Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Death Of The Funeral - 1406 Words
Things are tense, somehow through the whole school, like they ve ripped off some sort of band-aid. Veronica remembered the last time it was like this; this bad. Detention had only been the beginning of conflict, and it made Veronica think about Lilly. Losing her best friend had been the hardest thing in the world, but she thinks about the funeral, sad and tragic, but really the eye of that storm. The funeral had been civil, had been touching, had been sweet at times. Lilly may have been the top of the Neptune social ladder, but everybody ten pegs below couldn t help but adore from afar. There d been kids at the funeral she d never seen in her classes, and Veronica tried not to think about that now, where the student population had†¦show more content†¦Actually, Veronica could believe it was genuine dumbfoundedness, since the girl thought it would be cool to date a guy, and also date the guy’s dad. Not to mention someone else, who happens to lead a big, scary, motorcyc le gang. Veronica wasn’t sure what the right play was for all this. Logan could definitely afford to get Weevil a new motorcycle, but Veronica was willing to bet on a cold day in Neptune Hell before that happened. Crooked nose and all, Logan had found a way to smile about his girlfriend cheating on him, and she didn’t bet he’d be willing to take that back for much. â€Å"It’s just getting out of hand,†She finished, making her apologetic-face at Wallace. â€Å"Veronica Mars misses her mommy?†Wallace tried to make her smile. Having not met Lianne Mars, he hasn’t decided what he thinks of her. Someone who took the whole ‘when the going get’s tough, the tough get going’ saying to heart, he thinks, eyeing Veronica who he can’t imagine backing down from anything. â€Å"Not to give you another project, but we actually have to do that chem project.†She groans, and she feels like still groaning when he comes over after school to do the project. It’s mostly painless once she heaps on the sarcasm and orders them pizza; pizza’s still brainfood, even to outcast teenagers, she thinks, and they press on with their grape soda and antacid experiment. After wipingShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of Funeral And Funeral1566 Words  | 7 Pagescould be easier to deal with and family members and relatives might have aspect and might have seen declining stages so they may be prepared to face it. But sudden death of someone due to motor vehicle accident or heart attack could be much painful and intense feeling of grief over time. Grieving, funeral process and rituals after funeral is different in different cultures and religions. Some culture considers it’s the end of life where as other culture considers that the soul has transform to anotherRead MoreThe Death Of The Funeral1665 Words  | 7 PagesThe Death of the F uneral Business Rough Draft In the essay â€Å"The Death of the Funeral Business†, the author Sandy Hingston repeatedly illustrates the different roles that technology plays in constructing modern funeral rituals. Over the past years, technology has become such a big part of our daily lives, that now funeral homes are changing rapidly to fit in with all of the technological advances that have been happening to the world around us. I believe that in â€Å"The Death of the Funeral Bussiness†Read MoreThe Death Of A Funeral1975 Words  | 8 PagesIt all started with a murder and it all ended with a funeral. When you spend your whole life being molded into a predator, half of your free time is spent trying to avoid prison. Why else would I be attending the funeral of this overweight, unsightly mayor? It wasn t because I cared or that I loved my city, instead it was because I loved my freedom, and my job. Well, sometimes. When you murder a respected, notorious man in town, it would be suspicious if you didn’t show up to his very lovely serviceRead MoreThe Death Of The Funeral Business1089 Words  | 5 PagesSandy Hingston offers many intriguing views of a funeral service from the conventional method of a service in a church and the burial of the deceased to a service that more so relates to a party than a funeral. â€Å"The Death of the Funeral Business†also raises many questions to be pondered by the reader. Hingston says, â€Å"A societal changeover from burial to cremation is momentous for our culture. It signals a cataclysmic shift in how we think about our bodies a nd ourselves†(38). The questions thatRead MoreFuneral Planning For Life After Death1330 Words  | 6 Pages Funerals Ami Richardson Missouri Southern State University Gerontology Ami Richardson March 18, 2014 Funerals It’s assumed that people have knowledge of what is appropriate planning for life after death, but nobody is ever prepared; and that is why preplanning is necessary. Death and dying is a part of life nobody likes to discuss, plain and simple, it makes us uncomfortable. This is a major contributor to why no one plans ahead. Nobody likes to think about death, it isn’t a pleasantRead MoreMr. Hindley s Death Of The Funeral2565 Words  | 11 PagesMr. Hindley came home to the funeral; andâ€â€a thing that amazed us, and set the neighbours gossiping right and leftâ€â€he brought a wife with him. What she was, and where she was born, he never informed us: probably, she had neither money nor name to recommend her, or he would scarcely have kept the union from his father. She was not one that would have disturbed the house much on her own account. Every object she saw, the moment she crossed the threshold, appeared to delight her; and every circumstanceRead MoreBy Close Analysis of Funeral Rites: Seamus Heaney’s Attitude to Death in North 1084 Words  | 4 Pages Heaney’s attitude towards death is presented in different perspectives within Funeral Rites. A pun, based on a homonym, embedded within the title itself, suggests one’s right to have a funeral : for there to be an occasion for family and friends to mourn one’s death whilst celebrating their life. In Funeral Rites, Heaney demonstrates the beautiful serenity associated with death, while also highlighting the tragic aspect of death and dying. Funeral Rites is composed of three parts (the first of whichRead MoreDeath and Funeral in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay1516 Words  | 7 Pagesconcluded two years after Gatsby’s death with Nick descri bing Gatsby’s funeral. Reporters and journalists surrounded Gatsby’s house once he had passed away. The stories that were published about his death were even more exaggerated than when he threw his parties. Nick tries to get all of Gatsby’s friends to come to the funeral, but no one was around. For example, Tom and Daisy moved away and they had no forwarding address, so Nick had no way of informing them of the funeral. Michael Millgate summarizesRead MoreSummary Of Death Of A Funeral Business By Sandy Hingston And Time Aint Money1306 Words  | 6 PagesI am an online student in an English 101 course. This is my reflective project for the class. I am going to discuss the two essays that wrote during this course. That is â€Å"Death of a Funeral Business†Written by Sandy Hingston and â€Å"Time Aint Money†written by Douglas Rushkoff. I will elaborate on my controlling purpose for each essay. I am going to explain how I achieved my controlli ng purpose and what my writing strategy was and how I got to the interpretation that I did with both essays. By theRead MoreViews of Death in W. H Auden’s Poem, Funeral Blues and John Donne’s Poem, Death Be not Proud†761 Words  | 4 Pagesinevitable that one day all people must die. Death can come when a person wants it to come, but most of the time death comes when a person least expects it. The views of death range from culture to culture. Some people believe that death is the end of their journey here on earth, while other people believe that death is just a necessary step in their journey of their body and soul. W. H Auden’s poem titled â€Å"Funeral Blues†and John Donne’s poem titled â€Å"Death be not proud†gives one insight into both
Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on Becoming a Police Officer - 978 Words
Becoming a Police Officer \Protect and serve. These two words may be simple to any regular citizen. However, they are everything to any police officer. The honorable career of law enforcement is not always an easy one to enter. There are requirements in order to be recruited and employed by any policing agency. In addition to the highly competitive and rigorous application process to become selected as an officer of the law, there are training programs, continued education programs, and other requirements necessary to remain in the career. The first process of becoming an officer is not a step to take lightly. Initially, the applicant must determine whether he or she is mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for the rigorous†¦show more content†¦Citizenship (at hire or in some states within two years of hire). Background: No felony or misdemeanor convictions (other than traffic violations) that would make it illegal to carry a gun or that involve perjury, false statement, moral turpitude, or domestic violence. No history of criminal or improper conduct. No poor employment, military, or driving record that would affect law enforcement work. Valid driver’s license. Responsible financial history. Good moral character. Health: Good health with no conditions that would restrict ability to perform all aspects of police work. Vision and hearing must be tested and successfully corrected, if necessary; color blindness can be disqualifying. Weight must be proportional to height. There is no height requirement. Tests: Written civil service examination, medical examination, psychological examination, tests of physical fitness or agility, voice stress analysis or polygraph test, drug tests. Background and character investigation. Interview. Employment often is conditional on further testing during the periods of orientation, training, and probation as a police recruit. Residency: Becoming a resident in the jurisdiction of hire is a requirement. (The range of residency boundaries can vary significantly by jurisdiction.) Once a police candidate has passed the selection process, he or she is placed on probation, a trial period of one or two years during which the officer is evaluated. This probationary periodShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Becoming a Police Officer1253 Words  | 5 Pagesfireman, police officer or a teacher and if not, than you’re probably Amish. A police officer may seem like a common job, but it’s actually very hard to get into law enforcement. Most little kids dream of being a police officer when their older, mainly because they don’t exactly know what it is, and the requirements to be one. 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Of course some people join because they want to abuse their power. Becoming a police officer requires a long training period that covers most, if not all aspects of becoming a police officer. This all happens at a Police Academy. In order to join theRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 1608 Words  | 7 Pagesintrusion that makes one ask themselves, how close is our society to becoming one where every action is monitored? How close is the idea of western civilization to becoming a police state, such as in North Korea, or the one in George Orwell’s novel, ‘1984’? North American society is drifting towards becoming a police state at an ever increasing rate. This is shown in how North Americans are slowly losing their rights, the police force acting above the law, and the monitoring of citizens by government
Sunday, December 15, 2019
India Election Free Essays
The current 1 5th Lok Sabha will complete its constitutional term on May 31 , 2014 By constitutional requirement, elections to the Lok Sabha must be held at most every five years or whenever parliament is dissolved by the president. The previous election, to the 1 5th Lok Sabha, was conducted in April-May 2009 and its term would naturally expire on 31 May 2014. The election will be organised by the Election Commission of India (EC’) and are normally held in multiple phases to better handle the large electoral base and security concerns. We will write a custom essay sample on India Election or any similar topic only for you Order Now Congress had a empathic victory in 2009 10k sabha elections . 1JPA- 2 started on a high by wining almost full majority of its own. However ,their second term has been marred with controversies and corruption allegations. starting with common wealth game scam,every few monthes saw a new scam coming out like Adarsh society scam and the biggest of all sharply in the past few years adding to the woes of common men. Cursed against black money and corruption by Ana Hazare and to some extent baba Ramdev has only added to the woes of congress. But congress is srewed and knows politics very well. They know that offence is the best way of defend. For every scam or corruption news come out ,they bounce back equally controversial news against Vival arties. Their projection of Rahul Gandhi,who is known as youth icon of India today after his appointment as vice-president of congress party. Lets see as a prime ministreal candidate may help them in their campaign build upto 2014 elections. Since the last general election, the BJP has made inroads by winning the state assembly elections in Goa and winning despite a tradition of anti-incumbency in Punjab. However, it lost control of Uttaranchal, Himachel Pradesh and its southern bastion of Karnataka. Use of technology In January 2013, the Election Commission of India announced that it would be using n SMS based alert system called Communication Plan for Election (COMET) during the election. The system, aimed at sending messages to the millions of government officials on election duty, was successfully deployed in the assembly polls in Goa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand andManipur in early 2012 and in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat in late 2012. The COMET system â€Å"uses coded text messages through mobile phones to collect data about officials, information about scheduled events like staff reaching the polling station, mock polls conducted, start of polling, oting percentages every two hours, number of voters in after voting time was over, and whether the poll party reached safely at the high security Electronic Voting Machine (EVMs) deposit centre. †The system would also send alerts to the local police in case of disturbances at any polling station Main opposition party Bhartiya Janta Party was left down and out after 2009 elections. BJPs arch enemy is not congres but BJP itself. lts leaders have failed to capitalize on core issues of price raise and corruption against the congress. They shoud have learned from congress and other nd some other smaller parties,have been able to successfully use the anti miniorty tag againt the BJPfor ever two decades now. BJP has also lost a lot of mass appeal leaders over the years past popular leadrer in India Atal Behari Vajpayee has now retired from active politic. charsmatics learder and face of modern India ,Parmod MaJhan was killed in a tragic incident. Stalwarts like Govindacharya and Jaswant Singh were thrown out. Prime ministreal candidate Murli Manohar Joshi has been made to sit on the side lines with no influence on national level politics. L. K. Advani is lose to retirement years and fire brand Sushma SwaraJ hasn’t proved to be a winner yet. That leaves the party with only one leadear of mass appeal,Narender Modi who may not yet able to handle national politics alone,and behind him a dark shade of communlist tag. Beside every one knows congress will play the anti miniorty tag against him quite well. BJP has also destoried its chance by not farming stretigc alliance with other parties in state. It used to have an alliance with AIADMK in Tamil Nadu and Mamta Banerjee’sTMS , IN West Bengal ,BJD in Orissa and recently JDU OF Bihar . BJPS loss has been congress gain. Third Fornt Parties: Third fornt parties have been redused to play a miniorty role at the center over the past few years. Leaders like Lalu Parsad,Mulayam Singh YadavJaya Lalta,Mayawati are no Govt. ln this case of congress. Left fornt has already become non-existent after the debaile in 2011 assembly elections and it had be highly unlikely that they,had make any come back by 2014. For the past few years, most of third fornt allies have been thob-nobbing with congress ,which raises doubt on their very existence. Third fornt was formed to combat BJP as well as congress ,but if u are going to chossse congress fter polls every time ,then won’t it better for peoples to vote for congress dereibly third fornt needs to get its priorities right and decide on their future survavial options ,because as of now their future looks black. The contender’s For India Election 2014 Though congress may not admit it yet,but Manmohan Singh be showen door out,and congress may be prefer to field Rahul Gandhi as its Prime Ministreal candidate in 2014. 1t may be too early for Rahul to lead nation as he has not proven his political accumen yet,but after the negative reviews UPA-2 is gathering,congress may want to hange Manmohan Singh. As for BJP the choice is only Narender Modi havng good record at regional level but no influence at national level yet. The Prime Ministreal Candidate: 1 Gandhi or Manmohan Singh. :NDA:- Narender Mod’. 3:Third Fornt:-Depends upon which party gets most seats. Slogans Of Parties: UPA:-Secularism NDA:-Hindu Rashtar OTHERS:-Rural Deviopment MANIFESTO:- UPA:-The congress president Mrs Sonia Gandhi and prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh realeasd the party manifesto,the menifestolists some promises with special focus on miniortes,dalits and tribal communities. Reiteraing its national rural emp loyment gaurntee act schamethe congress has promised 100 days work for Rs 100a day,as an entitlement under MNAREGA. The congres has promised to enact a right to food law that gurantee food for all. lt has announced that every family living below poverty line will be entaitled 25 kg of rice or wheat per month at rate of3 3 per kg. The manifesto subsieded community kitchens,which will be set up in all cities for homeless peoples and migrants,with the support of the central govt. In the health sector,congress has declared that every family living below poverty line will be overed by the rashtrya swasthy bima youJna over the next three years. he party has promised social security cover for the disabaled,the elderly,urban home less,released bonded labourers,members of primitive tribalgroups and membersof the most backward dalit communites. S In order to woo the miniorites community,the congress plans to implement reservation for miniortes,on the basis of social and economic backwardness govt Jobs and educational institutions. The party has promised to set up an equal opportunity commission to ensure th at the sachar commission recommendations are implemented and the miniortes are not deprived in any atter. The party has reterated the contenation promise of implementing33 % reservation for womens in parliament and he state legislature ,which it had to failed promised to reserve one third of all central govtJobs for womens. The congress has promised free education from primary till the university education for students from dali and tribalcommnites. continuing its incentives for the schedule castesand schedule tribe communites. To cheak communal and caste related violence,congress has proposed a law that empower the nationalhuman rights commission to monitor nvestigation and trail in all such cases. Declering a zero tolarence policy towards terrorism. The party has focused on its core areas of farmers ,womens,the socially backword sections. Through its wide range of promises,the congress is trying to projecta govt which will work on inclusive growth,encompassing all sections of society. NDA: 1,To develop a prosperous powerful Nation. 2,for stability and secular india needs a decive leader. 3,National security fear shall no longer stalk this land. 3,Engaging the world India’ voice shall be heared. How to cite India Election, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Establishment New Project Management Techniques
Question: Discuss about the Establishment New Project Management Techniques. Answer: Introduction The studies conducted by the previous researchers specify that indifferent project management techniques have been implemented by the project managers to establish a successful design of the project. In the circumstance of the similar statement, Davidson Frame (2014) determined that the procedure of introducing new projects into the stream, demands for the improvement and establishment of the new management technique that can limit the procedural hindrances. Considering the previous content, Lock (2007) asserted that it is highly important to organise the project process in the day-to-day operations. The inclusion of the systematic process directly facilitates the management with a faster decision making techniques and scrutinise on the policies that are initiated for critical path method. The current study attempts to evaluate the significance of a structured methodology in the project management process. Moreover, the study attempts to compare the similarities and dissimilarities b etween two methodologies and identifies its importance in the project life cycle process. Definitions of methodology and its significance in the project management Institute Project (2013) inferred that a methodology is the system of broad principles that offers effective interpretive measures to resolve a particular issue. However, Levin (2013) claimed that unlike an algorithm, a methodology is not the formula. The methodology is comprised of a set of practices that directs the project manager with corrective process and disciplines to resolve the critical obscurities. The role and significance of the methodology in the project management process are discussed below: Strategic benefit In the framework of the present context, Hyvri (2006) determined that the project management methodology facilitates an organisation to comprehensively tackle the project based issues. It also involves different systematic and integrated process to limit the change of acceptable risk occurrence. The implementation of the effective solution helps the project managers to tactfuly handle the situation and similarly designing the operational process efficiently. Tactical benefit At the tactical level, the methodology often permits the off-site managers to gain confidence in the status assessments delivery process. According to Davidson Frame (2014), the tactical methodology level ensures an early recognition and correction of identified issues. The identification majorly helps the manager to examine the risk category, based on which the resolving actions are initiated. Operational benefit The methodology is identified as the key means which help the delivery organisation to empower the project with a correct set of technique that would be implemented on-site. Rose (2010) claimed methodology to be an essential process that enables the delivery organisation to deliver cost-effective solutions to its team members. Evaluation regarding the similarities and difference between the methodologies Waterfall model The waterfall model is a non-iterative design process utilised in the software development procedure (Institute Project, 2013). In the specific model, the progress seems to flow in the downward direction via the phrases like requirement, design, implementation, verification and maintenance. Agile model An agile scrum methodology is identifiedas a lightweight project management framework consisting of the broad applicability for controlling the iterative and incremental projects of all categories. Similarities Both the methodologies are well structured. The procedural steps are structured through code, unit test, fixing issues, design, performing the system testing process and finally the delivery process. Differences The waterfall model is identified as the traditional model that used to evaluate a project with the scientific approach. However, according to Davidson Frame (2014), the agile is the rapid application development and comparatively an updated model than the waterfall model. Thus, the majority of the project managers are following the agile methodological structure due to its updated list of information. Relation between the chosen methodologies and the project life cycle The project life cycle incorporates the steps like project validation, risk reductions, lifecycle cost, business cost, project validation revision and prioritisation by capital project committee. According to Rose (2010), both the waterfall and the agile framework consist of the procedural designs that satisfy the determinants of the project life cycle process. Both the methodologies include the process of project validation, risk reduction and project investigation. Thus, the previous content specifies that the both the frameworks are viable for conducting an efficient project management process. Following both the methods, the project manager would receive the equal guidance of creating a disciplined project outline and operational process. Conclusion The current project attempts to evaluate the significance of the methodology in the project management system. Analysis the current study, an inference can be drawn that both the waterfall and agile framework are suitable to mitigate the requirements of the project life cycle. However, the attributes of the agile framework are more update than the waterfall model. References Davidson Frame, J. (2014). Reconstructing project management. Project Management Journal, 45(1), e2e2. Hyvri, I. (2006). Project management effectiveness in project-oriented business organizations. International Journal of Project Management, 24(3), 216225. Institute, P. M., Project, M. I. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide). United States: Project Management Institute. Levin, G. (2013). Project management for non-project managers. Project Management Journal, 44(5), e2e2. Lock, D. (2007). Project management: 9Th edition (9th ed.). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. Rose, K. H. (2010). The complete project management methodology and toolkit. Project Management Journal, 41(2), 8284.
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