Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons - 1128 Words
Illegal immigration is a major problem which most of the developed countries face in the current economy, and it has been major political problem for the political parties in America (republicans and democrats) and over years each party has a different agenda to discuss the problem. Illegal immigration can be defined as a movement of people from a source country to the destination country without any legal documents and violates destination countries immigration laws. People have moved across lands over years to escape a war situation or to get better facilities in a different country. Countries have defined immigration laws to restrict people to enter their land without proper documentation as illegal immigration social and time†¦show more content†¦According to Anderson in â€Å"Illegal Immigration: Causes, Methods, and Effects†, immigrants come to America from neighboring countries especially Mexico to benefit from economic, educational and other opportunities that being a resident of America provides. When compared to Mexico, a typical worker earns $118 per week as compared to America where same Latino worker earns $537 per week. These numbers are significant push for people to cross borders from Mexico to America. (46) Illegal immigration has lots of disadvantages but has equally good advantages that countries like America support immigration and makes illegal residents legalized. Many of these countries are allowing people to cross their borders but also at the same time trying to keep evil as terrorists at check to support a stable and safe society. Nadadur points out to some benefits in Illegal Immigration: A Positive Economic Contribution to the United States which are, immigrants pay taxes for the children who are born in the country and making them legal would impact positively on countries economic growth and because of this reason, illegal immigration has become a major problem for political parties in developed country and are working towards an agenda to make the rules around immigration better. (1041) Increased revenues are one main lucrative advantage any source country getting lot of illegal immigrants would like to help off.Show MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Illegal Immigration1964 Words  | 8 PagesIf America is a supposed â€Å"melting pot†and â€Å"land of opportunity†, why does immigration happen to be one of the biggest issues circulating the news as well as the White House? According to the Migration Policy Institute there are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. 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