Monday, August 24, 2020
Excutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Excutions - Essay Example Keeping in see this social condition, the sociologists attempt to investigate wrongdoing, wrongdoing control and the organization of criminal equity from the purpose of social constructionism. They see 'wrongdoing' and 'hoodlums' a result of social and political interests and where other than other, the most overwhelming component are class, race and sexual orientation. They likewise mull over the verifiable and contemporary acts of criminal equity which is formed and experienced by the racial and ethnic minorities and dominant parts, the rich and poor and by people, to assist us with understanding the various social real factors of equity in the United States; as this paper will attempt to inspect the example of execution dependent on race, sexual orientation and class. The investigation of social imbalances has consistently been the focal point of sociologists. They are not just keen on issues identified with race/ethnicity, sex and class yet additionally the convergences of these measurements by utilizing a wide assortment of techniques from the ethnographic hands on work and inside and out meetings to staggered social and systems strategies and factual models. As indicated by The ABA Kennedy Commission Report (June 23, 2004), the United States puts a bigger number of individuals in the slammer than some other nation on the planet and requirements to kill the unbalanced effect 'intense on wrongdoing' laws it has for minorities. This isn't a result of higher criminal conduct among blacks, but since when contrasted with non-whites, they are bound to be detained particularly as medication clients. In spite of the fact that white street pharmacists dwarf the dark ones yet 86.8% of those detained for sedate charges are blacks. During the 1980s, the media discussed medicate dependent moms, propagating the racial generalizations of African American ladies who exchanging sex for drugs instead of a white working class lady grunting the more costly cocaine powder. While the poor dark pregnant ladies became focuses of the criminal equity framework, the center and the high society ladies got away from investigation of the criminal equity operators into the private offices of detoxification. Also, most investigations on wrongdoing adopt a restricted strategy to the subject by regarding a wrongdoing as essentially an infringement of legitimized normal practice that conveys a corrective authorization. The figure among dark guys was 3,405. A great part of the historical backdrop of condemning change both in capital and non-the death penalty has been impacted by verifiable worries about racial inconsistencies and biased dynamic in the criminal equity framework. In an examination did to discover whether the four misconduct speculations, strain, social learning, low poise and control hypotheses could all the more likely clarify adolescent culpable in contrast with sexual orientation, race and class sway on wrongdoing. The discoveries proposed that the quantitative examination is a powerful device for recognizing intersectional contrasts coming about because of sexual orientation, race and class to help women's activist declarations that general hypotheses are less all inclusive than asserted by their advocates. In view of the out of line racial inconsistencies in government condemning, a report discharged in 1984 by the United States Sentencing Commission affirmed, that the normal bur eaucratic jail sentence for dark wrongdoers was around five months longer than for whites. By 2001, the normal sentence
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compound Tenses in English Grammar
Compound Tenses in English Grammar In English syntax, compound tense is a customary term for an action word development that utilizes more than single word to communicate an importance identified with time. An action word development that utilizes just single word is known as a straightforward tense.Compound tenses are comprised of assistant verbsâ (or helping action words) joined with other action word structures. The ideal, past great (otherwise called pluperfect), dynamic, and (now and again) future are frames customarily viewed as compound tenses in English. Models and Observations Straightforward Tenses versus Compound TensesThe qualification among basic and compound tenses relates to the differentiation among fastens and words. A straightforward tense type of an action word is a solitary word, typically increased by a postfix (less frequently a prefix). A compound tense structure comprises of a few words, in any event one of them a helper. The work done by the fasten in a basic tense structure and the assistant in a compound tense structure is comprehensively the equivalent; it communicates some differentiation in the general zone of time. . . .What is conceivably confounding here is the way that English, in the same way as other European dialects, utilizes the past participle (for example taken) both for the ideal (a compound tense) and for the detached voice. Note that the English detached is shaped in a manner very corresponding to the arrangement of compound tenses, for example with an assistant and a participle. In any case, obviously, uninvolved is cert ainly not a tense.(James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Students Guide. Cambridge University Press, 1994)[W]hen the dad roll in from work, he eats, lastly the mother herself eats alone or with the littler kids, who presumably have just eaten what they needed with the others.(Jack E. Weller, Yesterdays People: Life in Contemporary Appalachia. College Press of Kentucky, 1995) I wash my face, dress and go ground floor where my wifeâ is taking care of the baby.(Julius Lester, Lovesong: Becoming a Jew. Arcade, 2013)Anyone whoâ has read theâ judgments of Lord Denning or Lord Atkin will know the significance of the manner in which the realities are presented.(Alan Paterson, Final Judgment: The Last Law Lords and the Supreme Court. Hart, 2013)Dana had left the officeâ to watch out for the kids, and Keith puttered around the congregation, unfit to do anything profitable. He at long last left.(John Grisham, The Confession. Doubleday, 2010). Impeccable Aspect and Compound Tenses The ideal is a past tense that is set apart by methods for an assistant action word as opposed to by emphasis, similar to the preterite. The assistant is have, which is trailed by a past participle. Models are given in [40] alongside their non-impeccable counterparts:[40i] a. She has been sick. [perfect]  b. She is sick [non-perfect][40ii] a. She had left town. [perfect]  b. She left town. [non-perfect][40iii] a. She is said to have spoken familiar Greek. [perfect] (b) She is said to talk familiar Greek. [non-perfect]In [ia] and [iia] the helper have is itself bent for essential tense, has being a current state structure, had a peterite. These developments hence have compound tense: [ia] is a current great, [iia] is a preterite great. In [iiia] have is in the plain structure, so this time there is no essential tense, no compound tense.(Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A Students Introduction to English Grammar. Cambridge University Press, 2005) Communicating the Future With Compound Tenses Over a wide span of time are the main English basic tenses, utilizing single word types of the action word. Future is communicated in English as a compound tense, with two words, utilizing the modular helper will, for example will come; the relating past tense came is only one word.(James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Students Guide. Cambridge University Press, 1994) Bessie was confused. How do these feathered creatures live? Where do they rest around evening time? Also, how might they endure the downpours, the cool, the day off? I will return home, Bessie chose. Individuals won't leave me in the streets.(Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Key. The New Yorker, 1970)
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Absolute Threshold of a Stimulus Examples
Absolute Threshold of a Stimulus Examples More in Student Resources Study Guides and Tips APA Style and Writing Careers In This Article Table of Contents Expand Hearing Vision Smell Touch Influential Factors An absolute threshold is the smallest level of stimulus that can be detected, usually defined as at least half the time. The term is often used in neuroscience and experimental research and can be applied to any stimulus that can be detected by the human senses including sound, touch, taste, sight, and smell. For example, in an experiment on sound detention, researchers may present a sound with varying levels of volume. The smallest level that a participant is able to hear is the absolute threshold. However, it is important to note that at such low levels, participants may only detect the stimulus part of the time. Because of this, the absolute threshold is usually defined as the smallest level of a stimulus that a person is able to detect 50 percent of the time. How the Experimental Method Works Absolute Threshold in Hearing In hearing, the absolute threshold refers to the smallest level of a tone that can be detected by normal hearing when there are no other interfering sounds present. An example of this might be measured at what levels participants can detect the ticking sound of a clock. Young children generally have a lower absolute threshold for sounds since the ability to detect sounds at the lowest and highest ranges tends to decrease with age. Absolute Threshold in Vision In vision, the absolute threshold refers to the smallest level of light that a participant can detect. Determining the absolute threshold for vision might involve measuring the distance at which a participant can detect the presence of a candle flame in the dark. For example, imagine that you are a participant in a psychology experiment. You are placed in a dark room and asked to detect when you are first able to detect the presence of light at the other end of a long room. In order to determine the absolute threshold, you would go through a number of trials. During each trial, you would signal when you are first able to detect the presence of light. The smallest level that you are able to detect half of the time is your absolute threshold for light detection. In one classic experiment, researchers found that after controlling for dark adaptation, wavelength, location, and stimulus size, the human eye was able to detect a stimulus between the range of 54 and 148 photons. Absolute Threshold in Smell For odors, the absolute threshold involves the smallest concentration that a participant is able to smell. An example of this would be to measure what the smallest amount of perfume that a subject is able to smell in a large room. The absolute threshold for smell can vary considerably depending upon the type of odor used, the dilution methods, the data collection methods the researchers are utilizing, characteristics of the participants, and environmental factors. Even the time of day that data is collected can have an influence on the absolute threshold. Environmental factors such as pressure and humidity can also influence how well participants are able to detect smells. Absolute Threshold in Touch The amount of force required for you to detect the feeling of a feather lightly brushing your arm is an example of the absolute threshold for touch. When it comes to touch, the level of stimulation required to detect the stimulus can vary dramatically depending upon the part of the body that is being touched. For example, the absolute threshold of detecting touch may be much lower at your fingertips versus that of the back of your neck. Factors That Can Influence the Absolute Threshold While the absolute threshold is often thought of purely in terms of sensation and perception, a number of factors can play a role including expectations, motivations, and thoughts. For example, if you are expecting to hear a noise, you might be more likely to detect it at lower levels than you would if you do not expect to hear the noise. Researchers have found that women tend to have lower absolute threshold than men, meaning they are better able to detect lower levels of sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. Introverted people have also been found to be better able to detect stimulus levels at lower levels. Absolute thresholds are prone to change as people grow older. When people are younger, they are able to detect energy levels at lower levels. They require greater stimulation to detect these same stimuli when they are older. A Word From Verywell The absolute threshold serves as an important tool for researchers studying the capabilities and limitations of human sensation and perception. One important thing to remember is that researchers distinguish between the ability to detect a stimulus and the ability to tell the difference between stimulus levels. The absolute threshold should not be confused with the difference threshold, which is the smallest possible detectable difference between two stimuli. The Role of Just Noticeable Difference in Psychology Experiments
Friday, May 22, 2020
Face Culture in China
Although in the West we talk about â€Å"saving face†on occasion, the concept of â€Å"face†(é ¢Ã¥ is far more deeply-rooted in China, and it’s something you’ll hear people talk about all the time. Face Just like in the English expression â€Å"saving face,†the â€Å"face†we’re talking about here isn’t a literal face. Rather, it’s a metaphor for a person’s reputation amongst their peers. So, for example, if you hear it said that someone â€Å"has face,†that means that they have a good reputation. Someone who doesn’t have face is someone who has a very bad reputation. Common Expressions Involving Face Having face (æÅ"‰é ¢Ã¥ ): Having a good reputation or good social standing.Not having face (æ ² ¡Ã© ¢Ã¥ ): Not having a good reputation or having bad social standing.Giving face (ç »â„¢Ã© ¢Ã¥ ): Giving deference to someone in order to improve their standing or reputation, or to pay homage to their superior reputation or standing.Losing face (ä ¸ ¢Ã¨â€ž ¸): Losing social status or hurting one’s reputation.Not wanting face (ä ¸ è ¦ è„ ¸): Acting shamelessly in a way that suggests one doesn’t care about one’s own reputation. Face in Chinese Society Although there are obviously exceptions, in general, Chinese society is quite conscious of hierarchy and reputation among social groups. People who have good reputations can buoy the social standing of others by â€Å"giving them face†in various ways. At school, for example, if a popular child chooses to play or do a project with a new student who’s not well known, the popular child is giving the new student face, and improving their reputation and social standing within the group. Similarly, if a child tries to join a group that’s popular and is rebuffed, they will have lost face. Obviously, a consciousness of reputation is quite common in the West as well, especially among particular social groups. The difference in China may be that it’s frequently and openly discussed and that there is no real â€Å"brown-noser†stigma associated with actively pursuing improving one’s own standing and reputation the way there sometimes is in the West. Because of the importance that’s placed on the maintenance of face, some of China’s most common and most cutting insults also revolve around the concept. â€Å"What a loss of face!†is a common exclamation from the crowd whenever someone is making a fool of themselves or doing something they shouldn’t, and if someone says that you don’t even want face (ä ¸ è ¦ è„ ¸), then you know that they have a very low opinion of you indeed. Face in Chinese Business Culture One of the most obvious ways in which this plays out is the avoidance of public criticism in all but the direst of circumstances. Where in a Western business meeting a boss might criticize an employee’s proposal, for example, direct criticism would be uncommon in a Chinese business meeting because it would cause the person being criticized to lose face. Criticism, when it must be, is generally passed along in private so that the criticized party’s reputation will not be hurt. It is also common to express criticism indirectly by simply avoiding or redirecting discussion of something rather than acknowledging or agreeing with it. If you make a pitch in a meeting and a Chinese colleague says, â€Å"That’s very interesting and worth considering†but then changes the subject, chances are they didn’t find your idea interesting at all. They’re just trying to help you save face. Since much of China’s business culture is based on personal relationships (guanxi å… ³Ã§ ³ »), giving face is also a tool that is frequently used in making inroads into new social circles. If you can get the endorsement of one particular person of high social standing, that person’s approval and standing within their peer group can â€Å"give†you the â€Å"face†that you need to be more broadly accepted by their peers.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
How Cognitive Load Affects The Brain Essay - 1889 Words
Studying seems to be something every college students puts off until the last minute. Or something they just completely ignore, relying on their memorization skills to hopefully have improved since the material was covered last. Undergraduate students have a habit of using either cramming or spacing as their study methods before an exam. Cognitive load not only impacts how much an individual can remember at the moment, but it also impacts how much an individual can remember over time. While some students believe cramming before a big exam is the best for them, studies on how cognitive load impacts the brain say otherwise. In order to improve memorization as well as test scores, it is best for students to understand their cognitive loads, and how it affects their everyday lives. In Nicholas Carr’s article â€Å"Cognitive Load,†he introduces cognitive overload as a reoccurring element in everyday life. Carr describes working memory as the mind’s temporary infor mation store. Furthermore, he believes that if instead of trying to process and learn everything at once, we instead break it into pieces. Covering only a little at a time and gradually putting the pieces together kind of like a puzzle. Cramming is often a studying habit that most college students, as well as high school students, turn to the night before an exam. In Shelby McIntyre and J. Michael Munson’s journal entry â€Å"Exploring Cramming Student Behaviors, Beliefs, and Learning Retention in the Principle of MarketingShow MoreRelatedHow Cognitive Load Affects The Brain Essay1890 Words  | 8 Pagesexam. Cognitive load not only impacts how much an individual can remember at the moment, but it also impacts how much an individual can remember over time. While some students believe cramming before a big exam is the best for them, studies on how cognitive load impacts the brain say otherwise. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Participant Observation Free Essays
Participant Observation Sports are important social mediums in our country, but basketball is the only sport where you can go to almost any park and play with complete strangers. While other sports involve diverse equipment and numerous amounts of players, basketball is a quick and easy game that only takes a court and a ball. While using the participant observation method, one can easily see how pickup basketball becomes a common stage for social interaction. We will write a custom essay sample on Participant Observation or any similar topic only for you Order Now While my original perspective of the sport was that of a friendly natured game among neighbors with a competitive aspect, my notes and observations revealed how diverse individuals who meet on the court can sometimes become aggressive to the point of hostility. As a gym member of 24 Hour Fitness, I regularly play basketball in their indoor gym. I chose the location in Hermosa Beach because of the diversity of players that attend there. Using the participant observation method, I was both observing and participating while taking notes (obviously not while playing, for that would be an incredible feat). In a time span of two hours, I ended up playing three games while observing six other games. The location I visited was crowded, while ten players were on the court (five against five), about twenty people were waiting on the sidelines throughout the night; however, this number changed as people grew either tired or impatient. On the sidelines was a list of names for people who wanted to play next. This called for a more organized system of who had next compared to parks where people keep track of who verbally called next. I found that about half of the players at the gym were African-American, while the rest of the players were mixed evenly between Caucasian, Asian, and Hispanic. Certain players, based on body shape and skill level, were given different roles throughout the game. The ages of the players seemed to be mostly late twenties to early thirties, and at no point throughout my two hours being there did a woman enter the gym. Just as the demographics of the players were diverse, so was the gameplay. Some games were dominated by one key player, who scores most of the points, while other teams had strong team chemistry and relied on passing to the open player. I also noticed that when a team is dominated by one player that team usually ends up losing. The team that I played on was very pass oriented, while the team we played against was dominated by only two players. The other team assumed that since their other players were short and small, that they weren’t athletic enough to receive the ball, and because of this our team was able to double team the players who didn’t pass as much. Players match up to other players based on skill and body size, which is why I was guarded by someone very similar to me. I noticed that the biggest factor was height, meaning our tallest player guarded their tallest player while our shortest player guarded their shortest player. However, during almost every game players make switches according to skill level in order to have a more sufficient defense. Another important aspect of the game of pickup basketball is respect. When players call foul, even if they disagree with the call, the allow them to get the ball back. During game two, a person called foul but the player on the other team disagreed. As they began to argue about whether it was a foul or not, a teammate yelled out â€Å"respect the call†. After that he stopped arguing and gave him the ball. After I played, during the sixth game, a similar situation occurred in a more dramatic way. One player jumped and caught the ball, but flipped over another player, and landed straight on his back. After everyone saw he got up and was ok, the player through the ball â€Å"up top†, so they could check the ball out and play again. A player on the opposite team began to argue saying that he shouldn’t get the ball because his own player fouled him. After much hostile and loud arguing, I heard the injured player say, â€Å"if you really are that thirsty for the ball you can have it, if you really are that desperate for a win†. Everybody on the court agreed that the players allegation was a little too strict for a simple game of pickup basketball, and extreme competitiveness is frowned upon. Throughout the rest of the game the team did not pass it to him once, and before the game ended he quit. He became the focus of discussion for the rest of the night, as people began to criticize him behind his back. From my own personal experience, heated arguments over calls are not that uncommon in the sport of basketball, but usually from those with strong outgoing personalities. For the most part, the game is a civilized game where both teams compete for the win, and focus on teamwork and strategy. At the end of the day I found my perspective on this game had changed. The competitive nature of the game brought up the question: How important is it to win? I observed that to some people the ules of basketball should be enforced strictly, so that the game is fair. However, the general consensus was that respecting other players safety and calls were more important. Nevertheless, I noticed that almost every game had some sort of argument that entailed. I concluded that there is a certain culture on the court that calls for a fair game and places winning as a priority. The sharp contrast to the other players who were only there for the fun and love of the game brings up questions on whether social or even economic backgrounds are what causes people to become so passionate about a seemingly frivolous game. How to cite Participant Observation, Essays
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Racism in Disney Movies Essay Example
Racism in Disney Movies Essay The Mouse that Roared: Disney and the End of Innocence (Culture and Education Series) + The Mouse that Roared Student Edition: Disney and the End of Innocence [Kindle Edition]; Henri A. Giroux (Author) Giroux tackles Disneys theme parks, its recent forays into education and its movies in an attempt to expose how Uncle Walts legacy is eroding democracy and endangering our nations youth. He disparages Disneyland and Disney World for whitewashing history and casting Americas past in a nostalgic light, excluding any mention of slavery, civil unrest, racial tension or war. 2. Deconstructing Disney; Eleanor Byrne Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author), Martin McQuillan (Author) Eleanor Byrne and Martin McQuillan offer a critical encounter with Disney which alternates between readings of individual texts and wider thematic concerns such as race, gender and sexuality, the broader context of American contemporary culture, and the global ambitions and insularity of the last great superpower. . From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture; Elizabeth Bell (Editor), Lynda Haas (Editor), Laura Sells (Edittor) The contributors treat a range of topics at issue in contemporary cultural studies: the performance of gender, race, and class; the engendered images of science, nature, technology, family, and business. The compilation of voices in From Mouse to Mermaid creates a persuasive cultural critique of Disneys ideology. . Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment Douglas Brode (Author) Brode emerges [as] a worthy proponent of Disneys democratic vision, wielding a powerful argument for Disney as a forerunner of multicultural values in America. The significance of his work cannot be overstated. 5. Mouse Morality: The Rhetoric of Disney Animated Film Annalee R. Ward (Author) We will write a custom essay sample on Racism in Disney Movies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Racism in Disney Movies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Racism in Disney Movies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Annalee uncovers the many mixed messages they purvey: for example, females can be leadersbut male leadership ought to be the norm; stereotyping is wrongbut black means evil; historical truth is valuedbut only tell what one can sell, etc. Adding these messages together, Ward raises important questions about the moral ambiguity of Disneys overall worldview and demonstrates the need for parents to be discerning in letting their children learn moral values and life lessons from Disney films. Racism in Disney Movies Essay Example Racism in Disney Movies Essay The Mouse that Roared: Disney and the End of Innocence (Culture and Education Series) + The Mouse that Roared Student Edition: Disney and the End of Innocence [Kindle Edition]; Henri A. Giroux (Author) Giroux tackles Disneys theme parks, its recent forays into education and its movies in an attempt to expose how Uncle Walts legacy is eroding democracy and endangering our nations youth. He disparages Disneyland and Disney World for whitewashing history and casting Americas past in a nostalgic light, excluding any mention of slavery, civil unrest, racial tension or war. 2. Deconstructing Disney; Eleanor Byrne Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author), Martin McQuillan (Author) Eleanor Byrne and Martin McQuillan offer a critical encounter with Disney which alternates between readings of individual texts and wider thematic concerns such as race, gender and sexuality, the broader context of American contemporary culture, and the global ambitions and insularity of the last great superpower. . From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture; Elizabeth Bell (Editor), Lynda Haas (Editor), Laura Sells (Edittor) The contributors treat a range of topics at issue in contemporary cultural studies: the performance of gender, race, and class; the engendered images of science, nature, technology, family, and business. The compilation of voices in From Mouse to Mermaid creates a persuasive cultural critique of Disneys ideology. . Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment Douglas Brode (Author) Brode emerges [as] a worthy proponent of Disneys democratic vision, wielding a powerful argument for Disney as a forerunner of multicultural values in America. The significance of his work cannot be overstated. 5. Mouse Morality: The Rhetoric of Disney Animated Film Annalee R. Ward (Author) We will write a custom essay sample on Racism in Disney Movies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Racism in Disney Movies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Racism in Disney Movies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Annalee uncovers the many mixed messages they purvey: for example, females can be leadersbut male leadership ought to be the norm; stereotyping is wrongbut black means evil; historical truth is valuedbut only tell what one can sell, etc. Adding these messages together, Ward raises important questions about the moral ambiguity of Disneys overall worldview and demonstrates the need for parents to be discerning in letting their children learn moral values and life lessons from Disney films.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
FIGHTING DISCRIMINATION essays Discrimination is common in all of society. Weather it is intentional or not, people discriminates against each other. It is just a natural thing that humans do because that is the way we are. Discrimination begins in the mind and it is only when we intentionally base our decisions on these prejudices that are wrong. The fight against discrimination has been an ongoing process and in order for us to continue the battle against discrimination, we must understand the different types of discrimination that exists, what causes discrimination, and what can we do to stop it. Types of discrimination exist from your gender to ethnicity, from your status in a society to your preferences in dating. What all these types of discriminations have in common is that it segregates one group from another. You discriminate when you think of someone differently just because they are poorer than you, smarter than you, overweight, too short, looks gay, have different political beliefs. All these are forms of discrimination but the most widely publicized forms of discrimination are racial, ethnic, and gender. Racial discrimination has happened since that late 1800s with slavery. Issues of racial tension between blacks and whites are well known. Ethnic discrimination, for example, against Chinese and Native Americans, occurred there after when minorities immigrated to European lands. Mainly, the fight has always been against the dominant group which was whites. Gender discrimination also occurred when women wanted to be treated equal to men. In this case, the dominant g roup was mainly white men. Women wanted equal rights such that of being able to vote. Discrimination is associated with prejudice. Prejudices are caused when one group thinks they are better than another because they lack the qualities that are similar to a certain group. To feel prejudice and then to discriminate, that is wrong we would think that by now, in the 20th century, that...
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Write and Submit an Excellent Precis
How to Write and Submit an Excellent Precis How to Write a Precis Flawlessly Numerous academic assignments can be quite a big challenge for students who prefer avoiding too complex tasks. Often, students who have no interest in dedicated learning and personal skills’ constant improvement, face many problems once dealing with academic assignments. Still, no matter what reason is, every student needs to submit his academic papers on time. Writing a precis is probably one of the most difficult tasks for students. This academic assignment requires a proper structure and planning thus make sure to discover all the tips and guides on how to perform a precis mentioned in this article. The Definition of a Precis When dealing with a precis, it is great to know in advance what the kind of task you are dealing with and how to write it properly. In fact, a precis is a short summary. If translating the word â€Å"precis†from French, it will be â€Å"cut brief†. The precis is an outline of a published work, like dissertation or article. The student needs to provide a summary of the read text but without paraphrasing it. This task requires summing up ideas of the checked literature work and making some conclusions. Be aware, a precis is an important and separate work, thus it never remains a simple paraphrasing. Besides, a precis does not require mentioning all the details presented in an analyzed literature work. You need to sum up the main ideas and discover the structure of a checked article or dissertation. Remember, that a precis needs an objective view, thus there is no need to provide your personal opinion. This academic task requires essential points, clear structure, and precise revealing of the main ideas presented in work. You can find many precis samples online, and complete your task flawlessly. Make sure to check the main tips of critical precis presented below. Remember to summarize the main ideas presented in the analyzed paper and never try to provide your personal opinion. How to Start Performing a Precis Writing a precis is quite a complex process, which requires an ability to think critically, distinguish the main ideas from the entire content, and to provide an objective point of view. Here are some tips you can use for your precis performing: Read the analyzed article carefully and list the main ideas. Try to figure out what the author wanted to tell in his work. Check the evidence provided by the author. Restate the thesis provided by the author in your own words. Your opinions must be on-point and precise. Write a few sentences for each section. A precis is a short summary, thus it should not be too long. Re-read the article and make sure it is in accord with your summary. Check whether you have covered the main ideas. Make sure you use a logical structure. Check the accuracy of the written text. Check it for a few times to submit a flawless precis. Make sure to provide in your paper an analysis of the author’s tone and the way he used to communicate with the audience. The Main Features of a Good Precis A precis is quite a difficult work, but it can be performed perfectly if you know the main features of a good precis: Clear and precise text. No paraphrased sentences, but only own words used. Logical order of the provided text. Great title of the paper. Lack of any irrelevant details. Lack of any outside information. How to Write a Rhetorical Precis Rhetorical precis is a greatly structured piece of writing, which requires summing up the main ideas. It should be a brief summary, with the outlined main ideas and points. Make sure to check a needed format and stick to your writing plan. Follow the next useful tips and guides: Mention the name of the author, the title of the article, and the date of publishing. Explain the way the author proves the main arguments of the paper. State the main purpose of the author’s work. Reveal the way the author tries to communicate with the audience. When writing a precis, try to put all the ideas together, and catch the readers’ attention. Make a precis short and precise. Use your own words and an objective point of view. When writing a good precis, the student needs to provide a summary of the read text, article or dissertation, but without paraphrasing it. This complex academic task requires summing up ideas of the checked literature work and making some conclusions. A precis is an important and separate work, thus it never remains a simple paraphrasing. Besides, a precis does not require mentioning all the details presented in an analyzed literature work. You need to sum up the main ideas and discover the structure of a checked article or dissertation. Remember, that you must provide only an objective view, thus there is no need to tell your personal opinion. This task requires essential points, clear structure, and precise revealing of the main ideas presented in work.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Hr proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hr proposal - Research Paper Example However, this dictatorial leadership style is not suitable for an organization that needs to enhance its capabilities and reach. For growth to take place, it is important for the leadership to not simply be about control, but understand the need to allow for other members of the organization to be as responsible for the achievement of goals as the management. A centric leadership structure can take away the culture of innovation and expression from an organization resulting in significant labour turnover as well as loss of productivity, due to dissatisfaction among the workforce. The key obstacle to any change in leadership comes from the top management itself. This is due to the control factor that has been exercised by these members that a change to the structure is regarded as a loss for the company. Leaders seldom wish to forego power that allows them to hold the ultimate control in the position they hold. The factor that is missing from the perception is that leaders are primarily the visionaries of organizations, and must leave the management to the other members of the organizations. Similarly, managers must pass along responsibilities in the labour line so as to increase the sense of belonging among the workforce, by harbouring a feeling of achievement in the overall workings of the organization. In order to manage and support the change, a collaborative approach must be undertaken by the management. This signifies an increase in involvement of all employees in the structuring of processes and procedures by the management, as well as allowing for a greater degree of understanding to be created regarding the vision and objectives of the organization. By understanding the needs of the employees, and bringing an open platform of communication, the management will be able to manage the change in culture that is to be established, while also creating a medium for the resolution of any conflict
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14
Discussion - Assignment Example r to determine the admissibility for tax-exempt status the purpose in the corporate charter must be established, as well as, the way the company operates. Additionally, charitable institutions are exempted from sales and income tax, as well as, Ad valorem property tax. Charitable institutions are defined as institutions that do not have the capital, shareholders or capital stock. Additionally, they dispense help or charity to people who need and to people who apply for it. Charitable institutions do not make any profits or gains in a private sense to any individual who is connected to the institution. For charitable organizations to be exempted under the federal law, the institution must be operated and organized for charitable purposes. Additionally, none of the earnings made by the organization should insure for the purposes of benefiting the individual. For an organization to be exempted from tax the net earnings may not inure to the benefit of any corporation or individual. According to section 501 (c) (3) not all income tax is exempted, for example, in case the charity gets revenue from another business that are not related to charity then they are taxable. Therefore, the lessons I have learned from this module is that charity organizations are made for the benefit of helping people and in case they operate besides their charity work then their income is taxable. Additionally, property that is owned by the federal or state governmental hospitals is exempted from tax. In the case of Provena Covenant Medical Center V Department of Revenue, the medical center applied for tax-exempt status that was based on debt-collection amounts and tactics that the hospital offered. However, the Illinois Department of Revenue denied this application. On Appeal, the Supreme Court further denied the application on tax exemption stating that the Department of Illinois was correct in denying the religious and property tax exemptions because the hospital was charging uninsured
Saturday, January 25, 2020
One flew over the cuckoos nest Essay -- essays research papers
There are three major conflicts in the novel, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey. Both internal and external in nature their causes, effects, and resolutions are explored in great detail.      The cause of the conflict between Mac and Ratched begins immediately. As soon as McMurphy enters the ward he shows his individuality. He’s loud, brassy and the chief says, â€Å"He sounds big.†McMurphy publicly introduces himself and stands out from the rest of the men. He shows that he wont be controlled. Ratched wants and expects complete control. She refers to Mac as a, â€Å"Manipulator,†who will, â€Å"†¦use everyone and everything to his own end. Ironically Ratched is also a Manipulator. Miss Ratched chooses the orderlies to control them, she wants them to hate so they take their anger out on the patients.      Ratched’s first win against McMurphy is when he challenges the ward policies on the music. He demands for the music to be shut off or at least turned down. Knowing that all the men are watching she completely humiliates Mac by telling him that she wont turn the music down further more she treats him like a child when she tells him to take his hands off her glass because he was staining them. â€Å"†¦don’t be so selfish,†says Miss Ratched when Mac asks for the music to be turned down.      Ratched’s second major win against McMurphy on the ward is when she forces the men to ignore him and not to play cards with him. Using the threat of rationed cigarettes the patients are still much too afraid of Miss Ratched to go against her orders. McMurphy is completely left alone by the men and Ratched shows that she maintains control.      Although McMurphy does not get the votes of the men because the fear they hve of Ratched McMurphy still comes out victorious when in the end the men eventually do vote to watch the world series. When the men do vote Ratched looses complete control over her ward and it’s the first time the men defy her as a group. â€Å"And we’re sitting there head up in front of that blanked out television set†¦and she’s screaming behind us.†     McMurphy mocks and taunts Miss Ratched when he runs around with his towel on. He wasn’t assigned a uniform and when Miss Ratched tells him to stop running around in the towel Mac stops and... ...g because after this Mac has lost three time in a row to Ratched or the combine. Chief sees the trouble Mac has to lift the control panel and finally gives up, the control panel, to chief, is a symbol of the combine and the fact that Mac cant lift it destroys Chief.      One of Chief major wins against the fog is when the men all come together to back up Mac for the world series and the comments that everyone makes to her. Chief say, â€Å"†¦I quit worrying about the BIG NURSE and the combine behind her.†For the first time in his life he saw people clearly and not just the black outline around them.      Another great win for Chief is when he enters the pool with all the other men. This is a big win because the Chief is so afraid of even the ground that to enter a pool is a great progress for him. Also Chief begins to see the ward as â€Å"clean and silent†and not humming of machinery. Chief even takes a big step when he stands up and looks out the window of the ward.      The resolution to Chief’s conflict is after he kills Mac and escapes the institution at the end of the novel.     Â
Friday, January 17, 2020
Cult of Thinness
The author talks about the different ways in which the American popular culture, families, schools, peer groups, and the health and fitness industry undermine women’s self-confidence as they instill the notions that thinness is beauty and that a woman's body is more important than her mind. She makes it known that there are many different factors as to why there is such a need to be thin these days and why there are so many eating disorders in our society. She blames the media as one of the leading contributing factors as to why our society is consumed with dieting, being thin, and body image and I agree with this.I believe that the media system is corrupt and it influences most of our perceptions, especially women. For example on magazine covers, there are usually pictures of women in bikinis, or even topless showing off their skinny bodies. And in beauty commercials, its usually skinny, tall women used to advertise beauty products. This images and frames are what is branded by media and society as â€Å"looking good†or â€Å"being sexy†; as a result of this, women especially adolescents and young adults compare themselves to these models and feel inadequate.They feel like that is how they are meant to look and may end up dieting or starving themselves or even in more tragic consequences undergo surgery. A 12 year old girl stated, â€Å"When I see those twigs of people in the magazines and on TV, I say, â€Å"I’m going to go on a diet. †You almost want to get thin just so you can wear the right clothes. I watch all my junior high friends – they look like something out of a magazine†. However, the author also talks about some cultures that think that voluptuous, curvy women are a sign of prosperity and also an indicator of their ability to cook and take care of their family
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons - 1128 Words
Illegal immigration is a major problem which most of the developed countries face in the current economy, and it has been major political problem for the political parties in America (republicans and democrats) and over years each party has a different agenda to discuss the problem. Illegal immigration can be defined as a movement of people from a source country to the destination country without any legal documents and violates destination countries immigration laws. People have moved across lands over years to escape a war situation or to get better facilities in a different country. Countries have defined immigration laws to restrict people to enter their land without proper documentation as illegal immigration social and time†¦show more content†¦According to Anderson in â€Å"Illegal Immigration: Causes, Methods, and Effects†, immigrants come to America from neighboring countries especially Mexico to benefit from economic, educational and other opportunities that being a resident of America provides. When compared to Mexico, a typical worker earns $118 per week as compared to America where same Latino worker earns $537 per week. These numbers are significant push for people to cross borders from Mexico to America. (46) Illegal immigration has lots of disadvantages but has equally good advantages that countries like America support immigration and makes illegal residents legalized. Many of these countries are allowing people to cross their borders but also at the same time trying to keep evil as terrorists at check to support a stable and safe society. Nadadur points out to some benefits in Illegal Immigration: A Positive Economic Contribution to the United States which are, immigrants pay taxes for the children who are born in the country and making them legal would impact positively on countries economic growth and because of this reason, illegal immigration has become a major problem for political parties in developed country and are working towards an agenda to make the rules around immigration better. (1041) Increased revenues are one main lucrative advantage any source country getting lot of illegal immigrants would like to help off.Show MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Illegal Immigration1964 Words  | 8 PagesIf America is a supposed â€Å"melting pot†and â€Å"land of opportunity†, why does immigration happen to be one of the biggest issues circulating the news as well as the White House? According to the Migration Policy Institute there are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. These men, women and children enter the country illegally, with the purpose of living a better life. These people are willing to enter America in ghastly fashions, a perfect example are the undocumentedRead More The Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration into the United States797 Words  | 4 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration into the United States Illegal immigration has been an important and serious issue for decades; which affects everyone, both Americans and immigrants themselves. Illegal Immigration has three main purposes: first to find a better life in the ?promise land?, second: free healthcare, and third: for criminal activity. Most illegal immigrants come to America with the best intentions for themselves and/or their families, but many others have alternativeRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration in the USA1007 Words  | 5 Pages Immigration is an increasingly hot controversy in southern California; there have even been various rallies recently with many supporting a path to citizenship and others arguing that we need to close our boarders and prosecute violators. Immigration is the spotlight not due to money, but because it affects problems like race, the role of government, national identity and change. There are more advantages than disadvantages on supporting illegal immigratio n and supporting an amnestyRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration in America Essay718 Words  | 3 PagesMost of the time, I would complain about all the illegal immigration there is in the United States. Researching this topic has pretty much changed my mind on illegal immigration. Although there is much controversy over illegal immigration, it has many positive benefits. We Americans are never happy, always finding something to complain about. The more we complain and take it nowhere, the more time we waste. Illegal immigrants are usually, overall intelligent and hard workers. They bring theirRead MorePros and Cons of Illegal Immigration Essay example1493 Words  | 6 Pageshousing with abusive landlords, have few health cares options, and are victims of fraud and other crimes. The main controversy lies in the passing of a plethera of laws throughout the existence of the US regulating immigration and in the handling of illegal immigration. Modern immigration polocies have recieved less and less publicity as tolerance becomes more widespread, although each person is entitled to their own opinion about the issue (Conover 342). Immigrant problems are related to tradeRead MoreIllegal Immigrants Should NOT be Deported Essay example916 Words  | 4 Pageswho is illigally in the united states? Illegal immigration has always been a problem in the U.S dating all the way back to 1875. In 1882 president Chester A. Aurthor was the first president to bann all chinese workers. Soon after, the criminals and the mentally ill were refused from theU.S. Immigration wasnt always a problem before this. In 1892 the first portal oft immigration opened up in Ellis Island, New York. This was the premier station for immigration. Here new arrivals had to show identityRead MorePro-Illegal Immigration Paper916 Words  | 4 PagesLabrada 11/16/11 FYS 138 Professor Lodge The Melting Pot The debate of illegal immigration in the United States is one that is plagued with many details, and one that sparks a huge amount of controversy among politicians and citizens alike. While it is an issue that many argue about, few people are actually knowledgeable about the subject and have facts to back up their opinions. According the Center for Immigration Studies, the â€Å"unauthorized resident immigrant population is defined by allRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is It Really That Big Of A Deal?1084 Words  | 5 PagesIllegal immigration. Is it positive or negative? There are many views to this, as to any topics in its nature, but is it really that big of a deal? This paper will be introducing the pros and cons to this subject. There will also be the views politicians of the upcoming 2016 election. This will cover the views of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders. What’s your view towards illegal immigration? There are many pros to this topic, such as the fact that the government would earn moreRead MoreMilitary Involvement Of The United States And Mexican Border1579 Words  | 7 Pagesprotection of the United States-Mexican border. The border between The United States and Mexico has been the routes used for trafficking drugs, illegal immigrants and the entry points for terrorists In our past history, The United States Customs and border officials have been focused on relatively common matters of enforcing laws regarding trade and immigration, watching over agriculture and economic interests from pest and disease, and processing people, vehicles and goods. After the terrorist attacksRead More The Problem with Immgration to the United States Essay1277 Words  | 6 PagesThe Problem with Immgration to the United States The first move stopping immigration decided by Congress was a law in 1862 restricting American vessels to transport Chinese immigrants to the U.S. The Alien Contract Labor Laws of 1885, 1887, 1888, and 1891 restricted the immigration to the U.S. of people entering the country to work under contracts made before their arrival. Alien skilled laborers, under these laws, were allowed to enter the U.S. to work in new industries. By this time anti-immigrant
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